Monday, March 25, 2013

How much does Social Media affect Social Change?

I believe social media has already brought about real social change. The way we interact is completely different than it was 30-40 years ago, and it's showing in every industry around the world. Such a large percent of the population depends on websites such as Facebook and Twitter to maintain contact with people. I myself depend on it to promote my music, and to work with others on school assignments. It's become such an important part of our society.

What's the first thing you do when you power up your computer? The screen brightened up with a freshly loaded browser ready at your disposal? For a surprising amount of people, they'll go straight to Facebook, or Twitter to check for updates. It's almost like a reflex to do so! I personally rarely use my phone for calling anymore unless I'm trying to find someone, or if it's strictly for business interaction. You see it every day and there's seemingly no way of getting away from it.

It's integration with mobile devices has definitely caught on. Anyone with a cell phone most likely has some sort of social media app downloaded. With that means a synchronized experience where you always have it updating you on the go. So in that sense alone, real social change has most definitely occurred. But social media has outgrown it's personal roots, as businesses have made it such a major role in their marketing process. It gives companies the chance to interact with its consumers in an effort to generate business, and brand loyalty. Before social media that interaction didn't exist quite as fluidly as it does now. 

Social media has definitely changed things. It's made our lives easier by seamlessly connecting us to the world around us. But at the same time we've been subject to a less than private lifestyle. Things were definitely different, and it'll be interesting to see the new changes and advancements social media brings in the future.


  1. i really like the fact that you stated there. Social media has become a part of daily life and many people are dependent on it. Some of them need it to get daily update and some of them just make there living out of it .It has become so necessary part of life that now people are also targeted by the marketers for the products.

  2. I agree with your points about how social media has changed the way we are connected to the world. I like how you stated that it is essential for businesses to be connected to people through social media as well. But how do you feel about social justice campaigns like free the children etc. is being connected to people through social media the same as giving back or fighting social injustice?
